
August 20, 2021
August is here, summer is winding down, and crisp, fall air will soon be upon us. Our children will be returning to school, bringing along new schedules and routines. Unfortunately, this also means cold and flu season is right around the corner. Luckily, there are simple things we can do to keep us healthy and...
This past May, I talked to many moms who were excited for the school year to be over and summer vacation to begin. The last month of the school year was jammed packed with concerts, awards ceremonies, sporting activities and other end-of-year celebrations. Summer vacation was looking like a nice break from the full schedules....
Reminisce with me. Go back in time and think of this time of year, when you were younger. Suddenly in mid-August, you would count down to the first day of school. You’d ponder: “What will I choose for my back-to-school wardrobe?” “When will my mom and dad take me to get my school supplies?” “Do...
The sandwich generation is growing, and so are its responsibilities. Across the United States, millions of middle-aged adults struggle with the dual responsibilities of raising a child and caring for an aging parent. They are members of what is commonly called “the sandwich generation.” In fact, a 2018 Pew Research Center analysis of Bureau of...

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