
January 7, 2022
Those who are luckiest in life say they have one thing in common: They’ve found what they describe as their “calling” — that elusive “something” that gives them a sense of purpose in what they contribute to the world. Meg Rima counts herself among those individuals. “I was 100% called to open this,” she said,...
Starting a new fitness routine as part of your New Year’s resolutions? Protecting your feet and ankles is critical. “‘No pain, no gain’ may be a motto for most workouts, but ‘too much, too soon’ can lead to foot and ankle injuries, which can sabotage fitness goals,” said Jeffrey Loveland, a foot and ankle surgeon...
It’s January, which means we’re being hit with lots of New Year’s resolution advice: When, how and what to eat, workout and on and on. It seems this time of year, we are especially likely to let others set our goals for us. We release the majority of our power in terms of wellness decisions...
It’s already the time of year to reassess where the past 12 months took you and decide what you want to improve, change or start doing in 2022. Coming up with meaningful resolutions can be hard. To help simplify this process and get started toward becoming a better you, here are five things to consider...
Many Americans view health as a product of the medical care they receive. However, public health experts say that’s just one piece of the puzzle. “In reality, our health is shaped more by the zip code we live in than the doctor we see. In fact, where we live, our financial circumstances, our access to...
Summer vegetable gardens have been long put to bed, and winter fruits and vegetables are now on the menu. Elizabeth J. Bailey, a Mayo Clinic registered dietitian nutritionist, says that traditional winter vegetables can be satisfying and healthy. Winter brings cooler temperatures — sometimes downright cold temperatures. A crisp cool salad might be what the...
After learning to live life more remotely in 2020 and 2021, it’s time to view 2022 as a fresh start. To help you adopt a new, balanced way of living, interior designer Taniya Nayak is sharing five home interior design trends meant to inspire spaces that will welcome guests, while incorporating the special intimacies that...
Resolving to green up your act in the New Year? Here are just a few tweaks you can make right at home to substantially reduce your environmental footprint: Make appliance upgrades Home appliances are improving all the time, with many newer models designed specifically with efficiency in mind. If your home appliances, such as your...
A frosty winter wonderland is fun to experience — outside. Inside is another story. By keeping your home heating system running at peak performance, you’ll lower your winter utility bills and experience increased comfort. According to North American Technician Excellence (NATE), here’s how to stay toasty this winter without breaking the bank: Get the right...


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