
April 15, 2022
Beauty and fashion is all around us. Our clothing and accessories are visual ways we display our image in an effort to stay current with the latest trends. It’s safe to say that many designs come and go, but there classic choices stand the test of time. The concept of beauty and fashion relates to...
When is it appropriate to use black in home decor? Once considered harsh, black is now more popular than ever and often is the go-to color for those looking for an elegant, upscale vibe. Black offers the opportunity to infuse a bold and luxurious look into nearly any space. When using black, there are some...
There are some things that just make sense to have in the bathroom: towels, soap and your toothbrush. You likely store quite a few other things there, too, like razors and makeup and even medications. Not all of these should be stored in the same room — where you take hot showers, however. Here are...

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