
March 1, 2024
As a nurse for the Galena (Ill.) Unit School District, Emily Rigopoulos is used to being surrounded by and working with youth. However, this month will mark a new chapter for the 27-year-old. Rigopoulos and husband Sam will welcome a new edition to their family on March 16. It will be the couple’s first child,...
Looking for the perfect baby shower gift? A few go-to ideas can make welcoming little ones into the world a breeze. Here are some creative ones to consider: Cute, cuddly and customizable Making perfect friends for little ones, My Pal Scout and My Pal Violet Smarty Paws from LeapFrog are no ordinary stuffed animals. Their...
Much as MTV and Saturday morning cartoons stood in as de facto parents for our generation, Tik Tok and Instagram are serving in loco parentis for the next generation of tech-obsessed youth. But there is another way. A better way. A hacking way. In hackis parentis, if you will allow a bit of Latin in...
A huge shout-out to all the mothers reading Her magazine. I have an altered and informed perspective of parenting to share with you. If you are a new reader, let me emphasize. I’m single as a Pringle, with no kids. In January, I had an amazing opportunity to work in Washington, D.C., to assist a...
Baby, it’s a brand new year. And when it comes to creating the perfect sleep space for little ones, there are more fun options than ever. Styles range from haute to homespun, vintage to vanguard. A look at some of the best: Blurring the lines Traditional parameters like gender-specific motifs and colors, and room-specific furnishings,...
For new parents, the urge to keep little ones entertained and enriched can often lead to a home so full of baby gear and toys that grown-up style all but disappears. It doesn’t have to be like that. Designer Theodore Leaf says he works with many clients trying to keep their whole home from becoming...
While pregnancy can be a joyful time, there can be a lot to think about. Whether you’re a first-time parent or you have a growing brood, welcoming your newest family member is a big task. Here are some tips for staying organized throughout the process: Do your research While certain parenting skills are intuitive, some...
A common story we hear from parents is that they didn’t realize how much there was to know about preparing for birth and breastfeeding. In our classes, we commonly hear, “I wish I would have known that before my first birth.” Many families share that they thought it would all come naturally or that they...
Motherhood is an incredible journey, filled with cherished moments and everyday challenges. As mothers, we strive to offer the best to our children, and at the heart of their well-being lies the crucial aspect of nutrition. The intersection of parenting and nutrition is profound, influencing not only our little ones’ physical health, but also their...
Sometimes the best advice comes from someone who’s been there, done that. If you’re resolving to lose that baby weight, why not consider the wisdom of someone who faced this challenge and did so with great success? Morgan Root, an Army veteran, found that after the birth of her second child, the scale kept going...
What to serve for dinner on Fridays during Lent can prove something of a head-scratcher if you want to refrain from eating meat but are not a fan of baked or fried seafood dishes. Sure, you can order pizza or fill up on grilled cheese sandwiches, but that can get pretty old pretty quick. That’s...
While bunny and egg-shaped candies always are crowd-pleasing favorites during Easter, you can make the holiday extra special for kids with some less sugary treats that can be enjoyed year-round. For a joy-filled celebration, get inspired with these fun and egg-cellent ideas for Easter baskets: Great books Books unlock new worlds and ideas, making them...
I planned to make every article this year a poem. The March publication is the Mom Edition. This month, I am supposed to speak on parenting and motherhood. I do not have children, so my intention was to write a poem about my parents like I did last year. Unfortunately, when I sat down to...


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Motherhood journey: Tessa Anderson, of Dubuque, welcomes parenting with open arms
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Right at home: New nursery décor with style
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Want your children to eat right as adults? Get them into the kitchen early
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Choosing healthy beverages for kids and teens
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