
August 5, 2024
This time of year is special for Abigail Nauman. It marks a new beginning, as the energy shifts from one season to the next, and children prepare their annual return to the classroom. As an educator with a lifelong passion for molding young minds, it’s an energy she finds exhilarating. “I always wanted to teach,”...
Ah, school days. Whether you’re heading in for that first year or a returning veteran of the be-lockered hallways, the return to school is an exciting, sometimes stressful time. If there’s one thing that’s especially difficult to get back into the swing of, it’s studying. Good study habits are the work of an entire academic...
College tuition might be costly, but outfitting your collegiate student with dorm decor, apparel and everything to support a great academic year doesn’t have to be. With care, college students and their parents can make back to school preparations a wallet-friendly experience. Discount experts are offering helpful advice for saving on all your dorm room...
A new school year brings with it fresh opportunity, excitement and, sometimes, anxiety for parents and students. Medical experts say that addressing health-related issues can help make for a stress-free back-to-school season. “Opening the lines of communication with your child and their physician to talk about nutrition, physical activity, and the steps you can take...
The excitement of a new school year unfolds each year when families flood the superstore aisles to buy classroom supplies, tape afterschool schedules on the fridge and organize carpools with friends. Common to each family is a desire for children to remain healthy, active and ready to learn. To prepare children and teens to be...
With school just around the corner, a healthy and quick breakfast can significantly reduce stress and set a positive tone for the rest of the day for you and your children. While all meals should be healthy and balanced, breakfast is particularly important. A well-balanced breakfast can provide the energy needed for the day, improve...
No one enjoys summer more than Midwesterners. Whether that means trips to the cabin or evenings on the deck, we know we have to savor the moment. One of the things worth savoring the most is summer produce. Tomatoes, cucumbers, raspberries, zucchini and melons are all coming into their prime, but at my house corn...
For teenagers heading off to college, it’s both a design dream and a challenge: What to do with a small, nondescript dorm room — a space you might have to share? A space that might include furniture you can neither remove nor alter? Do-it-yourself projects are a great, low-cost way to inject personality into a...
Is it that time of year again? Back to school season, but not for me. As a recent college graduate, I must say, it has been fun. Hectic, of course, but fun, nonetheless. This time does have me wondering, however, about what I’d like to do next. Aside from expanding my creative career, how will...


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