Just a spoonful of peanut butter …

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Addie Graffin PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Recently, I woke up like it was Christmas Day. I was ecstatic, and not because of anything more than the fact that I was getting a babysitter for the day.

When you are at home with four little kids all day and a husband who works all the time, you start to become used to not doing anything for yourself. You just keep telling yourself that you will miss these years when the kids are gone. You suck it up and do life like you are supposed to. Laundry, cooking, cleaning. You know the drill.

Every day, all day, doing the same thing. You start to live for the weekend. Then, it comes, and you fill it with so much that it goes so fast. Then, back to reality. Within the blink of an eye, your “finally Friday” turns back into “Manic Monday.”

Maybe for you, it is not the kids. Maybe it is your career or your relationship. Or, maybe it’s just your life starting to feel redundant — a lot of the sameness day in and day out.

Why is it that we have to wait for Christmas or birthdays, holidays or vacations, to get excited about life? Why can’t we be excited now with what we have going on? Why can’t we wake up each and every day, looking at the adventure that awaits us without feeling like we need an excuse to enjoy it?

I have to admit, I felt a little hesitant planning this “free day” of mine. I even felt guilty for leaving the kids with my mom and spending money on myself.

I went to yoga. I went to the spa and sat in the sauna for an hour. I bought a fancy coffee. I lounged on my deck and read an amazing book, cover to cover. It was one of the best days of my life, and it was not even a “special” day. It was a Thursday in June.

I noticed something about myself on this day. My energy was so lifted, and I felt so much love and happiness, all day long. I was at complete peace with myself and those around me. I felt like I was almost floating through the day. “So,” I thought, “why not every day? Why can’t I look this forward to something every single day of my life?”

We were not created to be living for the weekend. We were meant to be in a constant state of happiness and peace. We have made rules that we only can do things for ourselves once or twice per year. That doesn’t seem right. I want to be selfish right now and each and every day going forward.

The word “selfish” gets a bad wrap. We use it so negatively when we are identifying someone’s characteristics or when we are judging them for putting themselves first. We send them eye rolls because they know what they want and they do just it.

I envy and want to become the selfish person.

What selfish is, after all, is being in alignment with self. We should want that. If we are not in alignment with self, meaning if we are not in tune with what we need as individuals to be our happiest, most peaceful and best self, then how can we possibly be there for others?

When you are in tune with yourself, you are more of a benefit to this world we live in. When your energy is light and love, you spread that light and love everywhere you go. When you start to feel the light and the love within you, that is what will always come back to you. What you put out into this world comes back.

Do things you like to do. Don’t do things you don’t. When you are resentful of what you have going on, you will continue to draw those feelings into you and to others that surround you each day.

Let’s start looking forward to little things each day that make us feel lifted. Don’t look for special occasions only to invest in yourself.

It doesn’t always have to take a day or loads of money either. Anywhere from taking a walk alone to sitting with nature are freebies that can bring so much life back into you without breaking the bank.

More examples:

1. Meditate for a few minutes before you get out of bed. Say things like, “I am happy,” “I am whole and healthy” and “This is going be a great day.”

2. Get a special coffee.

3. Take a bath.

4. Meet a friend for lunch.

5. Read a great book.

6. Just sit and breathe in the outside.

7. Have an amazing glass of wine.

8. Call your bestie.

9. Watch a funny movie.

10. Look in the mirror and say, “I love you,” until you believe it.

Lift yourself and the entire world around you by just becoming selfish.

If you are like me, food also might be your “special” thing you look forward to. Peanut butter by the spoonful, anyone?

• 4 tablesppoons powdered peanut butter

• 2 tablespoons powdered sugar

• 1 tablespoon cocoa powder

• Water, as needed

Whisk ingredients together, adding small amounts of water until you get peanut butter consistency. Eat the entire batch, guilt-free, or top on your favorite frozen fruit. I like bananas and some pistachios with mine. This is a nightly treat that I look forward to.

It is the little things that we can begin to make special and make us become more excited about our already beautiful life.

Addie Graffin is a freelance columnist and blogger based in Platteville, Wis. Read more at www.HealthyHairdresserAddie.com.

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