
January is a time for setting goals, new habits and fresh starts. Here are five financial New Year’s resolutions you can set for yourself, along with how a financial professional can help you achieve them: Boost your financial IQ Financial literacy is critical to building wealth. It will help you break bad habits and make...
The holiday season might be warm, merry and bright, but it’s also a time when it’s all too easy to spend more than you plan to and rack up debt you can’t manage. According to Certified Financial Planner professionals, here’s how to celebrate the season in style while positioning yourself for a financially healthy 2025:...
A recent LendingTree survey found nearly half of the 2,000 consumers surveyed are dreading the holidays due to the financial costs. This type of sentiment increases among women, especially as moms are more likely to buy gifts for the family than dads. But there are ways to reduce the financial stress of the holidays, save...
Homemade gifts are the best. However, I did not always appreciate this present. My mom has a talent for crocheting, and I didn’t respect her talent until I was older and understood the value of money and the love that shows in the effort of a homemade gift. My friend, Marilyn, taught me this lesson...
Homemade gifts are the best. However, I did not always appreciate this present. My mom has a talent for crocheting, and I didn’t respect her talent until I was older and understood the value of money and the love that shows in the effort of a homemade gift. My friend, Marilyn, taught me this lesson...
The past few months have been unusually busy for my husband, John, and me. We have decluttered our house, sold it, packed everything we own and moved to a different state. As we weed through all the boxes, it’s easy for us to get overwhelmed. Have you ever felt this way? Do you ever struggle...
The past few months have been unusually busy for my husband, John, and me. We have decluttered our house, sold it, packed everything we own and moved to a different state. As we weed through all the boxes, it’s easy for us to get overwhelmed. Have you ever felt this way? Do you ever struggle...
Welcome to the last quarter of 2023. To finish the year strong, will you take a 60-day challenge with me? What is the 60-day challenge? It is an intentional list of what you want to accomplish in the last 60 days of the year — during a time of year, naturally busy with holiday events...
Did you know that by turning your pillowcase inside out and sticking your arms in the corners of the cloth, you can put the case on your pillow in one sweeping motion? Or, by flipping your clothes inside-out before washing them helps maintain their color. There seems to be a lot of power in the...
Educators and developmental experts discovered that elementary level knowledge should include knowing how to count to 10, dressing one’s self and writing one’s name ( Some of these skills are taught in a school setting, and some are learned at home. What about the life skills that are not taught in school? When should parents...
Rose Richmond-Love had been living with multiple sclerosis for nearly two decades before her balance began to wane, causing a fall and an injury. “I severed my ACL and tore my meniscus,” said the Dubuquer. “Ever since then, I’ve had a hard time.” Then, two months ago, she picked up a pamphlet about aquatic therapy....
In his new book, “A New Kind of Diversity,” Tim Elmore shares that we have concrete for brains. When we are younger, our brains are more like wet cement — moldable and pliable. After age 25, they become less flexible and set in their ways, like concrete. My 18-month-old niece, Olivia, is proving this as...
In his new book, “A New Kind of Diversity,” Tim Elmore shares that we have concrete for brains. When we are younger, our brains are more like wet cement — moldable and pliable. After age 25, they become less flexible and set in their ways, like concrete. My 18-month-old niece, Olivia, is proving this as...
Rose Richmond-Love had been living with multiple sclerosis for nearly two decades before her balance began to wane, causing a fall and an injury. “I severed my ACL and tore my meniscus,” said the Dubuquer. “Ever since then, I’ve had a hard time.” Then, two months ago, she picked up a pamphlet about aquatic therapy....
We officially are entering a busy season. Mid-spring is a time when we comfortably can enjoy outdoor activities. We might exercise outside; clean our yard after a cold, wet winter; or plant a garden. For those with school-aged children, you might be enjoying events such as concerts and award ceremonies as the school year quickly...
We officially are entering a busy season. Mid-spring is a time when we comfortably can enjoy outdoor activities. We might exercise outside; clean our yard after a cold, wet winter; or plant a garden. For those with school-aged children, you might be enjoying events such as concerts and award ceremonies as the school year quickly...
Just because we have the space, doesn’t mean we need to fill it. I would not define my husband and I as hoarders; however, we have accumulated stuff through the years. We have declared 2023 the year to purge. There is nothing more beautiful than a lack of clutter. I’m sure Jessi Bushman (Dubuque’s professional...
All my life, it’s been important for me to be there for my family, friends and neighbors. My passion for helping others led me to a career in health care, and I proudly served as a nurse for 14 years in Dubuque. After marrying my husband, Ben, in 2009, we started our family, and for...
‘A place for everything and everything in its place.’Have you heard this insightful suggestion from your mother or a teacher? Maybe you have said it. Benjamin Franklin is tagged as the creator of this wisdom. It means that the best way to stay organized is to create a location for everything and keep things in...
To protect your finances and family in the long term, it’s important to not only reevaluate your saving and spending, but also commit to creating a more holistic financial plan. Consumers are seeking stability and preparedness in today’s uncertain economic environment, according to a recent Consumer Sentiment Tracker study. With ongoing inflation and market volatility,...
At the end of 2022, I traveled to Papua New Guinea on a service trip, where our theme was, “Transformation begins with me, not we.” I was one of 60 coaches who facilitated a process called “Transformation Tables,” where we discussed value words to help leaders think differently about the principles that guide their decisions...
White Sage Day Spa opened in November at 2095 John F. Kennedy Road, Suite 2. The spa is co-owned by Diane Patzner and Sheri Streif. “Sheri and I have known each other since we went to massage therapy school together (10 years ago),” Patzner said. “We always had very similar passions and goals that we...
CASCADE, Iowa — Jennifer Breitbach has an innate sense of the energy surrounding her. So, when a dilapidated building on Cascade’s humble First Avenue W. continued to remain vacant in 2015, something about the location called out to her. “You could just tell that this was a building that had experienced a lot of hardship,...
The holidays are filled with joy, cheer, family, friends, parties and lots of food. Good, right? But they’re also filled with stress and exhaustion, some of which can be attributed to the brainwork involved in deciding on the perfect gift for each individual on your list. These local artisans produce and sell one-of-a-kind gifts that...
Our schedules this time of year naturally are full with holiday celebrations. Plus, we have extra duties, like shopping, baking, wrapping and decorating. We don’t have to do some of these events or tasks, but I want to. Even though it’s a lot of work, I enjoy a decorated house with our memory tree (ornaments...
I am not a shopper; however, this time of year, I find myself in the shopping mood. My shopping sprees are not for me. Instead, I enjoy purchasing gifts to give. My goal is to offer unique gifts that keep on giving throughout the year. These gifts are great for anyone, especially those hard-to-buy-for friends...
Are you struggling to find thoughtful gifts for everyone as you make your holiday shopping list? Well, it’s time to get personal. By giving a personalized gift, the recipient will feel special knowing it was created and picked just for them. Here are a few customized gift ideas that they’re sure to love that won’t...
I am not a shopper; however, this time of year, I find myself in the shopping mood. My shopping sprees are not for me. Instead, I enjoy purchasing gifts to give. My goal is to offer unique gifts that keep on giving throughout the year. These gifts are great for anyone, especially those hard-to-buy-for friends...
The holidays are filled with joy, cheer, family, friends, parties and lots of food. Good, right? But they’re also filled with stress and exhaustion, some of which can be attributed to the brainwork involved in deciding on the perfect gift for each individual on your list. These local artisans produce and sell one-of-a-kind gifts that...
Liz Garcia, of Monticello, Iowa, led a busy life with her husband, Matt, even before they had children. “It was very busy,” said Garcia, 33, who is a corporate sales rep for a book publisher. “We would be on the go at work and do a lot of outside activities with friends and family. On...
After one month of being pet owners, our 10-month- and 3-month-old puppies, Oskee and Simba, have reminded us of the importance of discipline. It has been 13 years since we had a puppy and 23 years since we had a baby. During these last decades, I have had the privilege and flexibility to create and...
I was demoted to Group B reading group in fifth grade. This reduction in rank was a tragic event for me. I always had been an honors student. In first grade, I was in an honors math program. I could leave the regular math class to attend a special counting class. I was in the...
As summer nights shorten and the school year approaches, you might be looking for ways to reduce the stress and costs of back-to-school preparations and ease into a new routine. Thankfully, there are suggestions for an easy and affordable return to classes. School supplies Start by separating and categorizing students’ supplies lists and compare to...
Interviewing for your dream job? Going on a promising first date? Meeting your significant other’s parents? Here’s how to make a great first impression during all the most important moments: 1. Be on time. To arrive at your destination calm, collected and without breaking a sweat, give yourself more than enough time for travel. Take...
FENNIMORE, Wis. — When Eliora Klar walked into classes for the electrical power distribution program at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, she didn’t see anyone else who looked like her. “There are no girls in the program,” she said. “I didn’t know what I was walking into, but it’s been really enjoyable, and everyone has been...
Women represent the majority of entrepreneurs today. In 2020, women started 2,000 small businesses nationwide, and of those, 64% were founded by women from diverse backgrounds, according to Fundera statistics. While this trend is encouraging, a recent study conducted by the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, Penn State University and Fair Pay Workplace shows that pay, ownership...
Noelle Chesney leads a life fueled by her passions. “I have always loved animals,” Chesney said. “If I hadn’t gone into music, I think I would have done something with research.” Originally from Texas, Chesney has spent most of her life as an artist. Getting a degree in vocal performance, she spent her time performing...
From an early age, Amy Scheller relished the thrill of working as a team. Growing up in Phoenix and later Illinois, Scheller played in a range of sports, from softball to basketball. While studying at Aurora (Ill.) University, she continued her passion for teamwork by playing Division III softball, basketball, soccer and tennis. That love...
When has imposter syndrome crept up on your doorstep and barged through your front door? An “imposter” is a person who pretends to be someone else to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain. A “syndrome” is a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions or behavior. “Imposter syndrome” is our inability to believe that we deserve what...
My family didn’t travel much when I was a kid, but when we did, my parents jumped through hoops to cut costs. On a trip to Disney World, for example, our family of six switched hotels. Every. Night. My mom worked for a hotel chain and could get one free night per property. Did my...
Vacations are a time for adventures, relaxation and capturing every moment so that you can relive the excitement after the trip is over. I have captured holiday memories with pictures, videos and journals through the years. Not all of these memory souvenirs were created with today’s high-tech options. Homemade scrapbooks were created in vintage, self-adhesive...
Have you ever considered everything that you do every day? When my kids were younger, I decided creating this list would be fun and beneficial. I could add priorities to my daily calendar to not forget anything. This list included personal hygiene tasks, such as brushing and flossing my teeth at least twice per day,...
Jealousy is a tricky emotion to have. It can be perilous if you do not know how to use it. By definition, “jealous” is a feeling or showing envy of someone or achievements. I have moments of jealousy that I am not proud of; however, I am choosing to lean into it more after learning...
A Dubuque business owner was honored last month with a statewide award recognizing her work as an entrepreneur. Erica Brewer, owner of Belle Allure Minkz and Boutique, received the Deb Dalziel Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award from America’s SBDC Iowa. The program is hosted by Iowa State University and is an affiliate of the...
On April 28, 2021, my husband, John, and I said goodbye to our best friend, Wrigley Thomas, our 12-year-old golden retriever. Having a dog was not my idea, especially not this discount puppy. Wrigley was somewhat of a clueless animal when we brought him home. He needed to be trained on behaving in our house...
Recently, my daughter received a compliment from her boss: “I noticed your work excelling since you decided to live by your calendar.” This simple instrument has been around for centuries and can be a magic organizational tool if you use it correctly. I learned at a young age the value of a calendar. My mom,...
The New Year offers the perfect time for a fresh start and a renewed commitment to getting finances back on track after a season of spending — one where many Americans felt the effects of the pandemic on their wallets even before the onset of the holidays. In fact, COVID-19 already has prompted consumers to...
If your workplace offers life insurance at a low cost (or no cost) to you, you might assume it provides sufficient coverage for your family and not bother to give the subject a second thought. According to the 2021 Insurance Barometer study, 57% of U.S. workers rely on their workplace for life insurance. But you...
’Tis the season for traditions. In the next month, we will initiate or participate in numerous family traditions. This might include decorating, baking or gift-giving rituals. Our memory tree, a Christmas tree filled with ornaments from places we have traveled to, is my favorite holiday tradition. Reminiscing our past holiday celebrations and our departed loved...
If your workplace offers life insurance at a low cost (or no cost) to you, you might assume it provides sufficient coverage for your family and not bother to give the subject a second thought. According to the 2021 Insurance Barometer study, 57% of U.S. workers rely on their workplace for life insurance. But you...
Although “time is money” is a popular adage, when it comes to retirement, it’s often timing that matters most. Significant losses or depletions to your savings early in retirement can shrink your nest egg. This is known as the sequence of returns risk, and it is an important concept to know about so you can...
When I graduated from high school, I remember receiving two gifts: Cash and a beautifully wrapped box. I received this same wrapped gift at my wedding reception and my kids’ baby showers. What was inside this mysterious present? Blank thank you notes. The giver (my mom) even included names and addresses of people who gave...
The holidays are filled with joy, cheer, family, friends, parties and lots of food. Good, right? But they’re also filled with stress and exhaustion, some of which can be attributed to the brainwork involved in deciding on the perfect gift for each individual on your list. These four local artisans, and one shop owner who...
NEW YORK — There was a time when Naomi Peña could seemingly do it all: Work a full-time job and raise four children on her own. But when the viral pandemic struck early last year, her personal challenges began to mount and she faced an aching decision: Her children or her job? She chose her...
When I graduated from high school, I remember receiving two gifts: Cash and a beautifully wrapped box. I received this same wrapped gift at my wedding reception and my kids’ baby showers. What was inside this mysterious present? Blank thank you notes. The giver (my mom) even included names and addresses of people who gave...
Although “time is money” is a popular adage, when it comes to retirement, it’s often timing that matters most. Significant losses or depletions to your savings early in retirement can shrink your nest egg. This is known as the sequence of returns risk, and it is an important concept to know about so you can...
Despite the recent resurgence of COVID-19, many consumers are more comfortable shopping at brick-and-mortar stores compared to last year, and experts are predicting substantial retail traffic this holiday season. “While COVID-19 is still making headlines as we head into the holidays, vaccine availability and retailers’ health and safety measures have put us in a different...
Contrary to popular belief, life does have second acts. And if you’re nearing retirement and want — or need — to continue working, there’s some good news: You can leverage the knowledge and experience of your first career into a new one that can generate the income you need and be personally fulfilling at the...
In the past decade, it has been popular for businesses to redefine their mission statement and choose company values. The blog at defined company values well: “A set of guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help a group of people function together as a team and work toward a common goal.” Values are the...
Aging is a fact of life, and it comes with certain realities. While most of us probably don’t want to picture ourselves eventually needing help with daily activities, more than half of Americans turning 65 today will need some type of long-term care during their remaining years. As this type of care is not generally...
It’s a girl! After 22 years, another baby has arrived in our family. I am an auntie to baby Olivia. My brother, Rob, and his wife have chosen to start a family much later in life than when my husband and I started ours. I was in my 20s. Rob is in his 40s. Since...
Aging is a fact of life, and it comes with certain realities. While most of us probably don’t want to picture ourselves eventually needing help with daily activities, more than half of Americans turning 65 today will need some type of long-term care during their remaining years. As this type of care is not generally...
This past May, I talked to many moms who were excited for the school year to be over and summer vacation to begin. The last month of the school year was jammed packed with concerts, awards ceremonies, sporting activities and other end-of-year celebrations. Summer vacation was looking like a nice break from the full schedules....
The sandwich generation is growing, and so are its responsibilities. Across the United States, millions of middle-aged adults struggle with the dual responsibilities of raising a child and caring for an aging parent. They are members of what is commonly called “the sandwich generation.” In fact, a 2018 Pew Research Center analysis of Bureau of...
This past May, I talked to many moms who were excited for the school year to be over and summer vacation to begin. The last month of the school year was jammed packed with concerts, awards ceremonies, sporting activities and other end-of-year celebrations. Summer vacation was looking like a nice break from the full schedules....
When it comes to money matters, young parents who are just starting out have a lot to juggle. They might be paying off student loan debt and saving for their first home, all while raising kids. But it’s also a time when young families might be the most financially vulnerable should the unexpected strike. To...
As I look around my office at the quotes on my wall, I realize the wisdom shared by influential women. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” — Maya Angelou “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” — Eleanor Roosevelt I also...
Everyone has an interest or skill that could be put to good use by volunteering. Perhaps you have an interest in caring for animals, feeding the hungry, tutoring children, building houses for the homeless or responding to disasters around the U.S. or world. Whether you to choose to volunteer by giving of your time, talent...
When it comes to money matters, young parents who are just starting out have a lot to juggle. They might be paying off student loan debt and saving for their first home, all while raising kids. But it’s also a time when young families might be the most financially vulnerable should the unexpected strike. To...
A new nonprofit aimed at empowering and engaging local women got off to a resounding start earlier this spring. Nearly 100 women came to the first gathering of She Unites at the end of April at The Smokestack in Dubuque. The organization aims to bring together women from across the tri-state area to engage in...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all aspects of our lives and has resulted in significant changes to the way we work, live and think about money. These changes are especially true for parents and adult children who have combined once separate households, according to new data from New York Life. “It’s...
As I look around my office at the quotes on my wall, I realize the wisdom shared by influential women. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” — Maya Angelou “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” — Eleanor Roosevelt I also...
Biz Buzz shares business tidbits from the tri-states. In addition to this update from Dubuque, we will highlight additional developments in Tuesday’s edition. It has only been a matter of weeks since Nicole Powers launched her new organizing and decluttering business. However, the Dubuque resident can trace the origins of the company all the way...
Are you crafty? Do you like to build with your hands? We all have a creative side. It just shows in different ways. This past year my husband, John, found his hidden, creative talent — woodworking. He built me a standing desk, perfect for my height. Then, he created a quilt rack by reusing spindles...
With savings account rates at historic lows, many retirees and other savers are uncertain where to go to stretch their dollars while keeping their assets as safe as possible. Options include certificates of deposit, money market accounts, U.S. Treasury securities and fixed-deferred annuities. How do they compare? Here’s an overview Certificates of deposits (CDs): Issued...
Are you crafty? Do you like to build with your hands? We all have a creative side. It just shows in different ways. This past year my husband, John, found his hidden, creative talent — woodworking. He built me a standing desk, perfect for my height. Then, he created a quilt rack by reusing spindles...
According to the calendar, spring arrived a few weeks ago. The longer days, an abundance of birds in my yard and the fresh scent in the air have convinced me that we are moving in a warmer direction. They also have motivated me to take on another popular spring activity — spring cleaning. I prefer...
Most business owners want to grow their businesses and maybe pass them on to the next generation. But how many owners succeed? Relatively few, as it turns out. Studies show that only one-third of family firms make it to the second generation, and just a sliver get passed on to the third generation. A key...
The penultimate day of Dubuque’s annual film festival highlighted the work of women filmmakers, one of whom promoted her work with the help of a World War II reenactment. The Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, which began April 18, will conclude with its final showings and events today. The festival returned as an in-person event...
ASBURY, Iowa — For residents of the Forest Hills Estates neighborhood, the most popular place to grab a bite to eat Thursday night was right down the street. Amanda Kennedy, who lives near the center of the neighborhood, started inviting local restaurants with food trucks or trailers to park at her house last year, in...
A new nonprofit aimed at empowering and engaging local women got off to a resounding start on Wednesday. Nearly 100 women came to the first gathering of She Unites at the Smokestack in Dubuque. The organization aims to bring together women from across the tri-state area to engage in women-centric conversations and make new connections....
For Dubuque resident Anna Schuster, finding the time to volunteer is part of a broader effort to strike the proper balance. Schuster, a mother of two, already has her hands full with family and work obligations. However, she finds the time to give back to an organization she has come to appreciate immensely as a...
According to the calendar, spring arrived a few weeks ago. The longer days, an abundance of birds in my yard and the fresh scent in the air have convinced me that we are moving in a warmer direction. They also have motivated me to take on another popular spring activity — spring cleaning. I prefer...
Most business owners want to grow their businesses and maybe pass them on to the next generation. But how many owners succeed? Relatively few, as it turns out. Studies show that only one-third of family firms make it to the second generation, and just a sliver get passed on to the third generation. A key...
Have you ever heard that imitation is the highest form of flattery? Do you have any mini-mes at home who have mastered imitating you? Are you flattered? I have seen my children imitate my words, my tone of voice, even my cooking and cleaning habits. Sometimes, I am flattered and proud. Other times, I am...
Marie Lourdie Pierre-Jacques still breaks down when she recounts the phone call that pulled the rug out from under her. One of thousands of hotel workers placed on temporary layoff at the start of the pandemic, she thought the October call with her employer was to discuss health insurance. Instead, she said, she was told...
When interest rates are low, you might have questions about how this affects your financial strategy. Low interest rates often make investors worry about lagging returns. Investors might consider adding income annuities to their retirement portfolio. How to compare income-generating solutions when interest rates are low When looking at ways to achieve financial security in...
Marie Lourdie Pierre-Jacques still breaks down when she recounts the phone call that pulled the rug out from under her. One of thousands of hotel workers placed on temporary layoff at the start of the pandemic, she thought the October call with her employer was to discuss health insurance. Instead, she said, she was told...
When interest rates are low, you might have questions about how this affects your financial strategy. Low interest rates often make investors worry about lagging returns. Investors might consider adding income annuities to their retirement portfolio. How to compare income-generating solutions when interest rates are low When looking at ways to achieve financial security in...
When it comes to Social Security payouts, the “when” can be as important as the “how much.” Americans in retirement, or nearing it, have multiple options as to when to start collecting Social Security benefits. The attractiveness of each option depends on a myriad of factors, including income need, health and career/retirement status. Make no...
If someone wanted to show you their undying love for you, what should they do? Would you want gifts or a kind touch or compliments? Maybe you would prefer this person to do something for you or with you. Gary Chapman labels these options as our love languages. Our preferred way to be loved falls...
When COVID-19 came and changed everyone’s lives in March, it took down engaged couples’ original wedding and honeymoons plans along with everything else, making many soon-to-be newlyweds postpone their nuptials to later in the year, or even into 2021. Since the way we navigate life has changed due to the pandemic, it only makes sense...
If someone wanted to show you their undying love for you, what should they do? Would you want gifts or a kind touch or compliments? Maybe you would prefer this person to do something for you or with you. Gary Chapman labels these options as our love languages. Our preferred way to be loved falls...
When it comes to Social Security payouts, the “when” can be as important as the “how much.” Americans in retirement, or nearing it, have multiple options as to when to start collecting Social Security benefits. The attractiveness of each option depends on a myriad of factors, including income need, health and career/retirement status. Make no...
Have you put off making a will? If so, you’re not alone. According to a 2020 survey conducted by, only 32% of American adults have estate planning documents, such as wills and living trusts, in place. While preparing a will might not be the most pleasant way to spend an afternoon, it could be...
As Americans, we can take pride in the fact that we are a nation of givers. And as the economy improves, charitable giving is on the rise. In fact, according to the National Philanthropic Trust, in 2016, total charitable giving from U.S. individuals, corporations, foundations and bequests exceeded $390 billion, with 72% coming from individuals....
I admit, I am a Hallmark Christmas movie junkie. I am addicted to the happy feeling that I have when a movie is over, even though I shed some tears. I know that the movies are predictable and unrealistic, but that is part of the enjoyment. The movies are so pure and innocent. My mom...
In years past, have you enjoyed the hustle and bustle of Black Friday shopping? Getting up at 4 a.m. just to stand outside in the cold, dark morning, waiting for the store’s doors to open? Or, in recent years, have you enjoyed Thanksgiving Thursday shopping? Enjoying your Thanksgiving meal in the early afternoon and get...
Among other things, Cardi B’s song about women and money empowerment (Bodak Yellow, explicit) speaks to (very much paraphrasing): “You are out spending money in the club, and I am up here singing, using the same venue to make money.” Most of the remainder of the song would not be fitting to print in this...
In order to better understand how people in the U.S. are experiencing the emotional and financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, New York Life asked 2,200 adults in late March and again in early and late April, a range of questions about how their emotions connect to their financial outlook. Data was broken out by...
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Right at home: New nursery décor with style
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Want your children to eat right as adults? Get them into the kitchen early
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