
Does anyone else make the mistake of writing last year down on paper when you have to write the date? Like the new year just hasn’t kicked in yet, and 2024 is hanging around like a toxic ex. I mean, it is the month of love, isn’t it? Where is the new romance, the new...
The temperature has dropped. The leaves have fallen. And seasonal depression is creeping in. Holidays can be difficult when you’ve lost people who won’t be walking through the door on Thanksgiving. Holidays are even more difficult to write about when you want to share the good things that bring holiday cheer, but you aren’t feeling...
As a lover of food, I do not have the best relationship with it. Frankly, this is the first time, writing about it, that I am being honest with myself about it. I share a lot about my life in my writing, and I pride myself on being honest and transparent with readers. As I...
Is it that time of year again? Back to school season, but not for me. As a recent college graduate, I must say, it has been fun. Hectic, of course, but fun, nonetheless. This time does have me wondering, however, about what I’d like to do next. Aside from expanding my creative career, how will...
Coming in hot and blunt this month, women weren’t just put on this earth to have babies — certainly not in this political and economic climate, where men are policing our bodies and formula cost $50 per can. Rent is high. Everything is high. So who can afford another mouth to feed? Another body to...
I “heart” New York! I had never been to New York City before. I had never been on a plane before. The year 2024 has given me so much and continues to give. In January, I shared my 2024 affirmations, and I must say, they are working for me. I’ve gotten a new car, a...
Home is a very touching subject for me. May also is for mothers. I wanted to take this month to acknowledge all mothers and wish them a happy Mother’s Day. March 14 marked six years since I lost my mother. Days later, on March 20, I also lost someone very special to me who I’ve...
I planned to make every article this year a poem. The March publication is the Mom Edition. This month, I am supposed to speak on parenting and motherhood. I do not have children, so my intention was to write a poem about my parents like I did last year. Unfortunately, when I sat down to...
Love is in the air again and so is corporate greed, selling us the meaning of love every year with expensive gifts and holiday treats. Teddy bears and chocolate hearts fill store shelves. Roses by the dozen sell out to be given as symbols of affection and apologies. Not to crap all over the season...
New year, new me again. New flourishment. New growth. New resolutions again. New promises. New tropes. More abundance. More money. New habits. New hopes. Bigger ambitions. Bigger dreams. Smaller fears. Bigger scopes. A better vision. A better life. Always humble, never boast. Grateful for all that I have and for the ones I love the...
The year always seems to go by so fast. It’s December again already. The holiday season is my favorite time of the year. Between me and you, I’m a Halloween girl first, but Christmas right after that. I spent Thanksgiving with family and had a great time with great food. It was exactly what I...
“Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.” — Maya Angelou I have enjoyed writing since I was young. It was a fun hobby I found back in my elementary school English classes. But it wasn’t until high school that I knew...
At the beginning of the year, I decided to do a writing activity recommended by Steve Harvey. I wrote a list of goals I wanted to reach in 2023. I also reminded myself and others to be gracious to yourself when it comes to setting goals. Here we are, three quarters into the year, and...
At the beginning of the year, I decided to do a writing activity recommended by Steve Harvey. I wrote a list of goals I wanted to reach in 2023. I also reminded myself and others to be gracious to yourself when it comes to setting goals. Here we are, three quarters into the year, and...
I love writing more when I’m vulnerable with those I’m sharing my thoughts with. I think it makes my writing better when it’s filled with genuine emotion and makes for a better read when those emotions are relatable. As I’m writing this article this month, I am not feeling my best, mentally. I feel stressed...
I love writing more when I’m vulnerable with those I’m sharing my thoughts with. I think it makes my writing better when it’s filled with genuine emotion and makes for a better read when those emotions are relatable. As I’m writing this article this month, I am not feeling my best, mentally. I feel stressed...
When my youngest child started school, I found myself in a new stage of life. I had been a stay-at-home mom and wasn’t sure how to re-enter the workforce. I decided to start by volunteering at my children’s school, and I became hooked. I quickly went from volunteering to working as a paraprofessional, and I...
I grew up on the west side of Chicago. The city has given birth to many popular fashion trends and put a spotlight on Chicago designers. Many up-and-coming entrepreneurs sell their original designer sweat suits or jumpers. Matching sets are popular. When the sun comes out, that means tank tops and matching shorts and always...


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Motherhood journey: Tessa Anderson, of Dubuque, welcomes parenting with open arms
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Want your children to eat right as adults? Get them into the kitchen early
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Choosing healthy beverages for kids and teens
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