Must-haves: Items for your high schooler’s back-to-school shopping list

Setting your high schooler up for a successful school year all starts with having the right educational tools and personal supplies.

Here are the must-have items to add to your cart this back-to-school shopping season:

A tablet or eReaderIf you remember your high school years as being defined by lugging heavy textbooks around campus all day, then home with you each night, consider sending your teen back to school with an e-reader or tablet.

This slim, back-saving technology makes it possible for students to access the educational content of all their many courses in one place. What’s more, some studies suggest electronic devices facilitate learning better than physical textbooks.

Look for options that offer annotation and note-taking capabilities, as well as a full-color display, so that textbook diagrams and images can be fully understood.

A graphing calculator

In high school STEM classes such as trigonometry, calculus and physics, students need to go beyond simply arriving at the correct answer. They also must understand the theory and foundation behind the mathematical principles they are studying. That’s where a highly-functional graphing calculator can come into play.

Personal items

Send your teenager to school with basic personal supplies that they can leave in their locker. Having access to these items between classes will help them feel their best throughout the day and eliminate distractions, so they can better concentrate on learning.

A stick of deodorant is especially useful for students enrolled in physical education or who are involved in sports. Also include a bottle of hand sanitizer to help fight infections, particularly as cold and flu season draws near, feminine hygiene products, dental floss and tissues.

An extra layer also is always helpful in both cooler weather and during the warmer months when the air conditioning may be running at full force.

In high school, the coursework becomes much more challenging and the social terrain much more complex. However, with the latest tech tools and a stash of personal supplies, your teenager can navigate both arenas with less stress.

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