Compassionate Caregiving: Caregiver affirmations for the New Year

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Laura Nissen. PHOTO CREDIT: TH file

As our year comes to a close and we review what we did well and what we want to do better for next year, I thought it would be appropriate to share some advice from some of our very best area family caregivers.

This wise guidance is gathered from our local moms, dads, husbands, wives, significant others, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and friends who have so generously given their time and energy to care for another.

Note the point of view and intent of the advice given. These affirmations are authored from the caregiver’s heart for themselves. If you are a caregiver and are inspired by any of these words, feel free to use these affirmations for yourself as we open the New Year and speak our intent.

I am very proud of the care that I am providing and I do my best every single day.

I will give myself the extreme self-care that I need to thrive and enjoy my life.

I will find time for myself every day to rejuvenate, relax and enjoy.

I will stay in the present moment and find joy in everyday moments.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my loved one in this special way.

I believe in my generous heart and my unique abilities and passionate gifts.

I will stay focused, positive and creatively work for benefit of my loved one.

I will continue to focus on the things that I can control.

I am full of energy, life force and passion.

I can do almost anything but probably not everything at once.

I will ask for help when I need it from my circle of support and not feel guilty.

I am not always in control of what happens but I am in control of how I react.

I will do small things with great love … day by day.

I am generous, courageous and compassionate.

I will attend to my emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

I don’t have to be perfect to be exceptional.

I am resilient and can overcome challenges that arise moment to moment.

I have a plan to find relief and recovery whenever I feel overwhelmed.

I am grateful and blessed for the life that I live.

I am grateful to have my loved one in my life.

I deserve to be joyful, happy and successful.

I love and respect myself.

I am more than enough.

I am human and will make mistakes. When I do, I will forgive myself generously.

I have many people that love and care for me.

I am strong and capable.

I am hard working and I do not give up. I know when to call in the experts.

I am a fierce advocate for my loved one.

I will give myself credit for staying strong despite being pushed to my limits.

These are wise words, indeed. These words are wisdom that is learned not from reading or hearing this advice. These family caregivers have lived these words and lived them in a highly graceful way. They know from firsthand experience the above guidance. These caregivers have given their heart so generously to care for another. They have each many times over earned a special place in heaven for the compassionate care they have offered their loved one.

For those of you who are in the caregiving role, commit to the new year with these sage affirmations from our family caregiving experts.

Laura Nissen is an Alzheimer’s Association volunteer who enjoys advocating for those with memory disorders. She works with families to help them learn the skills of caregiving. She also enjoys serving as a community educator, caregiver support group leader and Memory Café leader for the Alzheimer’s Association.

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