Compassionate Caregiving: How you can pamper a caregiver to show them appreciation

Laura Nissen PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Caregivers are all around us — family caregivers and professional caregivers.

They spend much of their time and energy tirelessly caring for others, and they rarely receive the appreciation or recognition they deserve.

Have you ever wondered how you show your appreciation for all that they do?

I have a few ideas for you:

Offer a few hours of your time so they can get away and feel refreshed. Most caregivers would never admit this, but having a few hours away from their duties is a wonderful way to relax. They can take care of their personal needs and come back refreshed and rejuvenated.

Give them a gift card so they can splurge on something they love. Maybe they treat themselves to a manicure, movie, pedicure or massage. This would melt away any caregiver stress that they are experiencing.

Design a care basket of lotions, bubble bath, candles, tea and CD for them to enjoy.

The old-fashioned thank you note or letter. These notes and letters are very meaningful to the caregiver. And rather than view this as an overwhelming task, simply write your thoughts on what their care means to your family. And did you know that the person who is dedicated to caregiving saves all of those notes and letters to read for some time well into the future? These kind words are very important to them and many of them save those notes during a lifetime of caregiving.

You can shower your loved one’s caregiver with praise, kind gestures, words of appreciation and gifts that show how much your family values his or her hard work and dedication.

It has been said many times in the current days that caregivers are heroes, and there have never been truer words spoken.

Laura Nissen is the Director of Grand Meadows Assisted Living at Luther Manor Communities. She also is a volunteer dementia specialist, advocate, Memory Café leader, caregiver support group leader and community educator for the Alzheimer’s Association.

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