Health & Wellness: Foster balance during the holiday season

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Tonia Mayerle PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Tonia Mayerle PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Tonia Mayerle PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Tonia Mayerle PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Tonia Mayerle PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

PHOTO CREDIT: Metro Creative

Tonia Mayerle PHOTO CREDIT: Contributed

Balance: What a lofty goal.

Every day, we run into obstacles that make keeping our objective of living a balanced life a struggle. It seems the holiday season is a particularly rough time to foster a sense of balance in our daily lives.

Ayurveda is a holistic system of health that has been practiced in India for thousands of years. It is the sister science to yoga. At its basic level, the goal of Ayurveda is to live a balanced life, in line with your natural tendencies. Ayurveda holds four foundations in high regard when living in balance.

1. Dharma: Our “right” way of living. This means living your purpose, recognizing your gifts and developing them to share with the world in whatever way you can. Even if you don’t feel like you are working your dream job, can you find something you are passionate about and offer a class to people with the same interests? Finding a way to share your gifts can help contribute to a sense of balance in your life by fostering a sense of connection to community and honoring your vital part in helping that community feel connected and collaborative.

2. Artha: Wealth or monetary success, which is a necessary part of daily life. Creating a sense of balance within our capabilities of what wealth means has traditionally been a source of worry and even distress. Often, we see the big picture of what our goal might be, and we might struggle to visualize the smaller steps that will take us to that goal. Working with someone to create a plan even day by day can help. Find someone who will cheer your daily goal of setting aside any amount from one cent or more.

3. Kama: Fulfillment of biological and psychological positive desires. Finding ways to hold a sense of balance within the natural desires of everyday living can be a challenge when there are so many things pulling strongly on our senses. A desire to be close to another human and share a loving life with them requires balanced give and take. Developing a healthy open communication of what your wants and needs are can help you create a balanced relationship with your loved one.

4. Moksha — liberation or enlightenment: The idea that if you live a life in a balanced way you will be liberated from the cycle of stress, worry or fear.

An Ayurveda health counselor can help you create a plan for balance in daily life using the four pillars of health (diet, lifestyle, sleep and energy) as a guide.

It’s possible to live in balance, even when the world makes it seem difficult.

Tonia Mayerle is an Ayurveda health counselor with Statera Integrated Health and Wellness Solutions in Dubuque.

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